Thursday, December 21, 2006

All most a new year

It's December and my blogging has been lean to say the least. Well... the family went to Italy and we had a great time (the web site will be finished before the end of the year). Next news, I found a job with a good company and I started in July as soon as I came back from Italy. My son's wife is going to have a baby next year and I'm looking forward to that. I'm still involved with my girl friend. I hope to be in a new home by the middle of next year.

Thanks for reading and have a happy new year.

Monday, June 26, 2006

absence make the heart

It's been a long time since I last blogged. The new year has past and we are half way through this year. I'm still out of work trying hard to find a job but no luck. I met a woman and started to date her but since I have no job she did not want to be with me any more... oh well! The family and I are going to Italy in July it should be fun I have never been to Europe before.
I'm still doing contract work and some jobs with my business (megabyte consultant). I will keep the dedicated readers inform on my successes and failures. That is all for now... Michael