Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Just surviving

It's been a while since I posted a Blog... Not much going on in my life. Still trying to build my business or at least get a job.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

August is here

Well... Happy aniversary to me for having my business open for 1 year. Hopefully I can stay open another year... we will see... I'm going to Disney World this week with my Mother, Son his wife and grandson it should be fun.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

July is almost over

Hi gang,
Sorry for the long delay between blogs... June and july have been slow months. I did do some contract work and I am still looking for a job to fill in. The trip to Port St Lucie was interesting and slightly productive. I made some connections business wise and I got a list of all new businesses that opened in Mar and April.
I'm continuing the search for a source of income hopefully by the end of August I will have a job.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo! New week.... slow, not a lot of business. Worked on my newsletter sent out first one to part of my customer base. If you are reading this blog and you want to get a newsletter please go to my web site and click on newsletter and fill in the info. Hopefully I will update my web site in the next week or two.

I'm still thinking of going to Port St Lucie next week... I'll keep you informed.

Michael "the Guru"

Friday, April 29, 2005

week of April 29

This week has been special... I went to Port St. Lucie to help Abby to get a new computer. I found that Port St Lucie is a town with some potential to it. The job market is very open and my business has more growth potential that is does in Broward County. I will be going back in two weeks for a longer period of time to get more familiar with the neighborhood. The sage continues....

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I got a call from PSL today and she want to meet with me next week.

week of April 18th

I got my check from kforce and now I have some money to play with. That was monday, I also sold back my school books and got some spending money. I went to a Thai restaurant last night and got some more cigars. The comacho was the cigar I was looking for since I was driving the 18 wheeeler.